Brand: Real. Strong. Women.
Open Motto: Together let us seek the heights.
Patron goddess: Hera, guardian of women
Philanthropy: Domestic violence awareness
Badge: Grecian lyre, reflecting our musical heritage
Colors: Scarlet and Olive Green
Flower: Red carnation
October 15: Founders’ Day: Through acts of friendship, leadership, learning and service, we celebrate the birth of our fraternity. Traditionally, collegians and alumnae honor our founders on this day by serving their local communities, and by celebrating the heritage and history of our organization.
March 1: Hera Day: In honor of our patron goddess Hera, Alpha Chi Omegas give personal service for the happiness and well-being of others. Our remembrances include volunteering and fundraising for our local Philanthropy Organization, Midvalley Women’s Crisis Service.
February: MacDowell Month: Named for the MacDowell artists' colony in New Hampshire (Alpha Chi Omega’s first philanthropic project), this month also honors our founders’ heritage as musicians and their commitment to the fine arts. During MacDowell Month, our members are encouraged to attend exhibitions, see plays, go to concerts, and otherwise celebrate and patronize the arts.